
Penn Muslim Alumni Network (PMAN)
The Penn Muslim Alumni Network (PMAN) was founded in 2005 by a group of alumni who shared the desire to stay better connected with their peers and to continue to contribute to Muslim life at Penn. As this group has grown and evolved, so have its objectives and aspirations. Initially, some alumni teamed up to provide advice to the current MSA, while others explored fundraising and networking opportunities. Over time, alumni involvement greatly expanded, which lent new energy to a greater scope of pursuits. This has included building national and regional networks of alumni and partnering with Penn’s administration to raise funds and improve life for Muslims on campus. Throughout, PMAN has maintained a dedicated team of alumni who provide regular guidance to the current MSA on a variety of issues.
The members of the Penn Muslim Alumni Network (PMAN) are involved in a number of leadership committees. We invite you to take the time to learn more about each of the committees here, and get involved.
As one of the largest and most active student organizations on campus, the Penn MSA welcomes and encourages alumni to stay connected beyond their years on campus. Current students and alumni are partnering to strengthen and grow the Penn Muslim Alumni Network. Alumni outreach and fundraising initiatives, led by alum, are underway to provide Muslim alumni with opportunities to:
Attend valuable networking opportunities with alumni, current students, and University administration
Participate in the MSA’s religious, cultural, and social programs
Mentor current members of the MSA
Influence the MSA’s long-term footprint on the University
Currently, the Penn Muslim Alumni Network is comprised of over 300 individuals and our membership truly represents the diversity of the broader Penn alumni community.
All 4 Undergraduate Schools Represented
All Graduate Schools Represented
Over 15 Classes Represented
Over 10 Geographies Represented

Alumni Committees
The Alumni Outreach committee focuses on connecting alums across the world in various ways. From our annual alumni banquet event on Penn’s campus every April to e-newsletters sent regularly, we provide ways for you to stay in touch. We also organize regional events like Ramadan Iftars, Eid Dinners, and bowling outings. Recently we also started a mentorship program for students to network with alums. We are always looking for new ideas so please share your creativity with us today! Contact Kashif Anwar for more information.
The Strategic Planning and Development Execution Team, guided by Islamic teachings and values, seeks to establish a resource at the University of Pennsylvania that serves as an academic, cultural, and religious center for Islam and Muslims. We aspire to enhance the Muslim community, strengthen our partnership with the University, and collaborate with communities on and off campus to build a richer and more diverse experience for the broader Penn community. The SPADE Team seeks to achieve this vision by:
Building a sustainable, volunteer-driven committee led by Penn alumni that continue to champion the organizational vision for many years in the future
Actively soliciting input from constituents (alumni, students, administrators) to ensure we prioritize the most impactful initiatives
Partnering with key University personnel (e.g., Chaplin, Endowment office) to build important and lasting relationships, and create an avenue to share our views on matters of concern to the Penn Muslim Community
Raising funds by developing a long-term fund raising strategy to raise money to support our organizational aspirations
To date, we have succeeded, Alhamdulillah, in establishing an MSA Endowment earmark within the broader Penn endowment (that is Shari’ah compliant). We hope to build upon this success by working on the long-term goals and aspirations of our supporting members. The team intends to consistently reach out to our supporters to solicit feedback and share our progress. We look forward to building something remarkable, insha’Allah. Please contact Samir Malik to learn more about SPADE.
PMAN’s first and most enduring initiative has been the MSA Advisory Board, which was launched in 2005.
The Advisory Board is composed of 7-10 volunteers – typically past Penn MSA officers – who choose to give back by sharing their advice and assistance with the MSA. The Board meets via conference call at least monthly with the current student leadership of the MSA to discuss progress on a range of issues, including campus outreach, religious programming, social events, and community service projects.
Because the MSA is a predominantly undergraduate organization, there tends to be a high turnover in its campus leadership. The Advisory Board provides some stability in this respect, allowing it to work with the MSA on issues that may stretch on over the course of years, such as the MSA’s relationship with Masjid al-Jamia. Advisory Board members have used their past MSA experiences to assist the MSA with issues such as budget management, engaging stakeholders, and re-crafting the MSA’s Constitution, which was completed in 2006. While the Advisory Board does not set MSA policy, it does facilitate that process by providing an outside perspective.
The MSA and the Advisory Board have found their relationship to be both productive and rewarding. As might be expected, Advisory Board members have recently been drawn increasingly from the ranks of younger alumni who had the experience as undergraduates of working with the Advisory Board. Contact Ben Herzig for more information.